Lymphedema | Lipedema | Upper Extremity Orthopedics in Parsippany New Jersey

what you need to know about lipedema treatment

Everything You Need to Know About Lipedema / Lipoedema!

There is a condition that is more common in women that commonly goes by two names, Lipedema and Lipoedema. They are the same condition and while Lipedema is the most common spelling some places use the spelling Lipoedema. For the purpose of this article we will continue with the medical term Lipedema.

What is Lipedema?

Lipedema is an abnormal accumulation of fat and connective tissue in your arms and or legs it affects the both sides of your body equally. And if it affects your lower part of your body it can affect your hips, butt, thighs, and lower legs, but it spares your feet and toes.

If Lipedema affects your arms it can affect your arm forearm, but spares your hands. It can run in families affecting mostly women. Also, because of the fat pressing on the lymphatic system it can cause the condition called Lipo-Lymphadema which which is a combination of Lymphedema and Lipedema.

What Does Lipedema Look Like?

People affected by this condition usually have a narrow waist but the rest of their body is wider causing a mismatch between arms legs and the rest of their body. People with Lipedema have a lumpy texture under their skin. It is much like a stuffed animal, where you can feel the lumpiness underneath its furry parts.

The Symptoms of Lipedema

Lipedema can cause pain hyper sensitivity and a feeling of heaviness in the affected areas. The affected parts usually bruise easily with no apparent reason. Symptoms can get worse after performing an activity or being in extreme weather conditions such as very high heat. People afflicted with Lipedema also have difficulty fitting in clothes and or shoes.

What Causes Lipedema?

The exact cause of Lipedema is not well understood, but it may be tied to hormonal changes and or genetics. This is because some people with Lipedema have reported that they found to delevlop the condition when going through changes in their body. Like when they enter puberty, during or after pregnancy, during or after menopause, or while taking contraceptives.

Some of my patients have stated that they always have known there was something different about themselves because when they walk or run they were particularly clumsy and some of them always tripped or fell easily. Others have stated that they always had difficulty keeping keeping up during activities like playing with their friends. Others have reported that they always had trouble fitting into clothes and shoes when they were comparing themselves to their friends and or family members.

Does Lipedema Have a Cure?

Lipedema does not have a cure, however there are different ways to manage it.

How Do You Manage Lipedema?

You can manage Lipedema many ways. Some of them are through exercise such as swimming, yoga, calisthenics. You can also do resistive exercises like with elastic resistive bands.

You can also manage it with a balanced diet, making sure that you have a decreased intake of sugar, and ultra processed foods. This will help decrease the inflammation in your body!

As an Occupational Therapist I also provide complete decongestive therapy, which includes manual lymph drainage and compression garments. Some of my clients have stated that wearing fitted clothing and or exercise clothing that is close to their skin has helped them manage their pain and discomfort as well!

If you are have any more questions or are in need of an Occupational Therapist in the Morris County, New Jersey area feel free to Contact me. You can also watch the video version of this article in the link below. As always, I am looking forward to helping you on your path to better health!

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