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The Effects of Liposuction on The Lymphatic System

In this blog post we will be talking about the topic of Liposuction and how it affects the lymphatic system. Liposuction is a very common surgical procedure that is used to remove unwanted fat and contour the body. Even though it can be beneficial to increase mobility and reduce all of the side effects caused by obesity, it can also have an impact in the lymphatic system.

What is the Lymphatic System?

The Lymphatic System is a network of vessels tissue and organs that work together to transport lymphatic fluid that carries infection fighting white blood cells throughout the body. The Lymphatic System plays a very important role in the absorption of fats from the digestive tract and maintaining fluid balance throughout the body as well as fighting infections.

Now that we have a snapshot of what liposuction is, and its purpose as well as what the lymphatic system does we’re going to talk about how liposuction impacts the lymphatic system.

The Effects of Liposuction on the Body

There is physical disruption while liposuction is performed and it can cause some damage to the lymphatic system. More specifically the lymphatic vessels and this can cause some swelling in the area. The swelling is caused as the lymphatic flow is disrupted. Although the body tends to heal from this type of trauma, it may lead to some long-term swelling/inflamation in the targeted area.

Although the body itself tends to heal and reabsorbs all that inflammation and decreases it as time progresses, in some cases it can become chronic especially if postoperative care is not followed!

Lymphatic function and fluid balance usually post operation the body will tend to retain water as the lymphatic vessels have been disrupted in the cases of liposuction clients are required to wear compression garments to ease the inflammation and swelling as well as support the lymphatic system as it’s trying to heal.

Scar Tissue Formation

Scar tissue is going to form as the body starts to heal. It is a natural way for the body to start closing any wounds. Whether we see the scar tissue or we can’t because it is internal it is what happens when surgical intervention such as liposuction can cause a disruption in the vessels of the lymphatic system.

Therefore the use of manual lymph drainage can be very helpful to break up the scaring, as well as promote lymphatic flow in the affected areas.

Liposuction Side Effects and Considerations

There are some long-term considerations that a patient has to consider before getting liposuction. Although we all look at how wonderful it looks when people have the procedure done, we also have to understand that there might be issues that may come with getting liposucktion. This type of surgery will increase inflammation as mentioned before, scar tissue formation that can cause disruptions in the area. These lymphatic disruptions will cause fluid to stagger. Also, poor wound healing it’s another issue that may be disruptive in this whole process especially if a client has other Medical conditions.

Other medical conditions that can affect healing are diabetes which will cause the wound to not heal as well or as quickly. Also, medical infections can be very common in these type of procedures, especially if there is no follow through with the instructions on how to care for the open wounds or for the surgical incisions.

How Can We Promote a Quick and Good Recovery Post Liposuction?

First step is to have a good pre-assessment, which is when the doctor meets you for the first time and takes a good look at your medical history and how the approach the surgery. The doctor will have to explain to you the whole processes that will you go through with the liposuction.

The second step is the to decide on the least invasive surgical procedure as there are many types of liposuction and for different reasons. Besides Beauty we understand that there might be liposuction for people who suffer from lipedema, therefore the type of liposuction tools might be different, as well as the procedures. So that the the least invasive procedure will definitely provide the least amount of headaches postsurgical.

Postoperative Care

It is very important to follow up with all of your appointments after surgery. Including your physician’s appointments! Making sure you wear your garments as required by your physician as well as following through with lymphatic management, such as manual lymph drainage.

Post surgically manual lymph drainage can help you heal faster and with better outcomes.

Monitoring your health is very important, as you to be mindful of your diet and your ability to be mobile after surgery increases your ability to heal better and faster as well.

You have be careful with your diet, as you can’t just decide that now that you had liposuction you will not take care of yourself!

This is a very serious surgical intervention therefore you have to be responsible for what you eat, how you exercise, and how you exercise.

Inn conclusion, liposuction is a great way to remove fat from the body for either contouring reasons as well as health reasons, however there is an impact that can cause issues in your lymphatic system. Therefore, it is your responsibility as the patient to make sure that you follow through with all the instructions provided by your physicians and therapists. As well as your diet and exercise!

If you have any questions feel free too reach out via my Contact Page.

You can also check out the video version of this blog post here!

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